Two screaming deadlines and two sick kids have taken B.H. Dark away from cyberworld for a few days, but never fear! We have contacted the aliens, who, using a complicated process of random integer generation, have chosen a winner for our book giveaway!

And the winner is mamasand2! (Which is quite appropriate really because yesterday she reminded us we hadn't picked a winner yet! Doh!)

Congrats! We will be in touch with your book.

For those of you who missed it, B.H. Dark was exclusively interviewed last week on The Writing Playground. Find out everything you ever wanted to know...including what B.H. stands for.

And next week, Jennifer's Random Musings will be interviewing the heroes of Close Encounters, Beau and Leandros.

And the week after that, B.H. will be playing around with the Romance Bandits.