CLOSE ENCOUNTERS is out! And we are totally stoked (as the guy who used to dress up as a skateboard dude in high school used to say).
Here's a little bit of history.
CLOSE ENCOUNTERS started in a very simple way. We (that is, Kathy and Julie) used to write books together in high school, about us having sex with rock stars, and a couple years ago we were hanging out before an RWA conference talking about writing romance and one of us (it was probably Kathy, she has all the good ideas) said, "Let's write another book together." We came up with this great Greek alpha hero and we started plotting out a really good, dramatic falling-for-the-boss-and-getting-blackmailed Harlequin Presents type story.
The thing was, as we started writing it (we were sitting on deck chairs by a pool, which is where all good novels get written, darling), we quickly realised that when we wrote together, we were totally incapable of writing anything serious. Like the alpha hero suddenly got a brother who was a cross-dresser or something and we could never resist the chance to describe the hero smouldering all over the place.
It was going nowhere.
At the conference, we sat around a lot drinking (as you do) and we had a conversation something like this.
"This book isn't working. We're too silly to write Harlequin Presents."
"I know. We need to change it, somehow."
"But how?"
(Simultaneous drinks of alcohol, followed by simultaneous zings of genius.)
Of course, after that, everything fell quickly into place. Our Greek alpha hero became a Vegas lounge singer hero (still Greek and sort of alpha), and we added a Southern mechanic hero (Alabaman and sort of beta) to balance him out. We made up some porn-hungry aliens, because you know that aliens would just love porn if they got hold of it. And holograms. And sex.
Lots and lots of sex.
Sometimes the best ideas really are the simplest.
29 people in the blue tube:
This sounds very familiar to me: a friend and I came up with a new idea for a series while drunk on a plane. Well, it was delayed, and there's nothing else to do in Dublin airport but drink, so that's what we did.
By the time the Ryanair stewardesses came round with more alcohol, we'd invented a group of superheroes created by a lightning strike on a plane, and decided to give each book the word 'Naked' in the title. We made quite a list of splendid titles.
The guy next to us looked terrified. Apparently he scared easy.
Way, way too exciting, BH!
Still think Biddy should do a limited edition audio book of it...
So, so exciting, ladies! Congrats!! :)
You guys crack me up! (Or should I officially refer to you in the singular, BH?) I'm sure the book will too. I'm not one usually into space aliens, but you had me at "stoked." Really, you had me at that audacious tagline with the word "cream."
And is it wise to present RWA in this light (lots of drinks, lots of people making up stories)? I mean, too many people might want in!
Congrats on the upcoming launch!
I can't wait for my copy!! I need to start practicing for that limited edition audio version!!
Reads like a winner girls! Great job. I can't wait to read more.
Cat/Kate, have you written it?! It sounds awesome!
And what was your hangover like? ;-)
Anna, Biddy is totally doing the audio book.
Yo thanks Kris, I bet you always suspected something like this was going to happen one day...
Biddy, you are totally doing the audio book.
Debbie, you can call us plural "you" for Julie and Kathy, or singular "you" for B. H. None of us is that picky.
And actually I think that's a rather accurate portrayal of the RWA...drinkin', makin' up stuff, drinkin', makin' up stuff...
Thanks, Darlene! :-D
Well, I wrote the first one, and about four people bought it, so the rest got shelved! As for the hangover...we spent a week together drinkin' and makin' up stuff, and by the end it was all a bit of a blur...
All the best collaborations are!
Where does the lineup start for the limited edition audio book? I have to get me one of those.
Hi Julie, hi Kathy...hi Anna and Biddy and everyone. Have had this bookmarked forever and finally made it.
I so know what you mean about not being able to write anything serious! Congrats on publication day and please add me to the draw.
And in the interest of multiple posting I'll add this: I hope this book is exceptionally rude as I'm in that kind of mood. LOL
I read a tiny bit of it way back when, Phillipa. It's deliciously rude!
Cat/Kate, you are totally right... the best collaborations all blur together.
Hey Joyce! Glad you made it. Hey, you can always get Biddy to come over there to beautiful Canada and read it out loud for you. :-)
Yup, Phillipa, it is totally rude. Yay!!
I love finding new authors.What drew me first was the cover and then I read the excerpt.Now its on my must have list.
WOW! Kathy and Julie, if this is yummy looking story is the results of having a few drinks, please do so again.
Close Encounters caught my attention with it's great cover and your finished the job with your great blurb and excerpt.
Can't wait to read the book!
Hi All,
I'm finally surfacing from deadline hell for my latest book as boring ole Kathy. Not super-hero author in disguise, B.H. :)
Thanks everyone for the excitement over CE. This book made Julie and me laugh out loud the entire time we worked on it.
Well, except for the touching bits--then we cried.
And Phillipa, it is also totally rude.
So as you can see, Close Encounters is an emotional rollercoaster. Something for everyone.
Especially aliens who love porn. :-)
Glad you survived deadline hell, Kathy!
Welcome Maggie J, Minna and Sandie! I hope you enjoy our crazy book!
And yes I totally cried while writing this book. Especially when Leandros is getting all alpha and smouldering. It is enough to make a grown woman weep.
Remind me to catch planes, or get drunk at conferences more often... this sounds a fabulous and funny read.
Great going ladies
Jane Beckenham
Congrats on the release! It sounds wonderful!
Had problems with my password and only managed to get back in here by accident.
Do you really think Biddy would come all the way out here to read to me? What do you say, Biddy? There's a nice big lake and we have a boat. Maybe Julie would come with you. And bring Fecklet. What, a writer needs a vivid imagination, right?
I have a note to myself to buy Close Encounters this weekend. And I should have plenty of time to read because my job ends on Friday. :) for the free time, :( for the lack of job. But mostly :).
Amazing what the brain does when uninhibited.
Awesome! How did it work out with you writing together? Were there parts that made this easy? hard? to do together?
Hey I'm married to a mechanic :)
Jane, you can never get drunk too often at conferences! Well, maybe you can. Actually, definitely you can, but in this case it worked out okay.
Thank you Jennifer!
Joyce, sure, we'll all jet out there and read you space porn. It will be fun! Will you make us hot chocolate?
Viv...it really, really is.
Hey Caffey! The two of us had a blast writing this book. We decided on characters and storylines together, but then wrote most of the scenes separately. When all four of the main characters were together we wrote that together, over instant messenger or the telephone. Afterwards we edited each others' work to blend our voices as much as we could, too.
Mostly it was pretty darn easy and fun! We love working together.
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